Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Invisible Tennis: Use Your Mobile as a Racket

Invisible Tennis: Use Your Mobile as a 


Invisible tennis‘ is an open-source app project for Android, IOS, Windows Phone and other operating systems in which users play tennis with a virtual ball and use their device as a racket. This new sport was designed for blind people, those with other disabilities and also non-disabled ones.
Players orientate themselves through sound and vibration coming from their device. Our aim is to create very accurate sounds so each player knows where the ball is, and what is his own and opponent’s position on the court. We also want to analyse the movement of the racket (mobile device) in order to make the hit as accurate as possible.
You can set a 1-player game or 2-players game (face-to-face or through Internet). The match will be broadcasted via internet and everybody will be able to watch it on their devices with the representation of the ball and players in real time. A world ranking of players will also be created.
We are looking for Android/IOS/Windows Phone developers, for funders and also for people who can help us to broadcast our project through social networks or disabled people associations. Post this web page on your Facebook wall!
See the whole project at  or at
- See more at:

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